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Can't Get Enough (A Rockstar Romance) Page 3
Can't Get Enough (A Rockstar Romance) Read online
Page 3
I pressed a hand to my stomach. “Did we, um, use anything last night? Protection of some sort?”
He winced.
Right. Of course, we hadn’t. Now probably wasn’t the right time to tell him I wasn’t on the pill. Andrew and I had wanted a family right away, or so I’d thought. Once I’d found him screwing around, though, I’d gotten tested that same day. I just hadn’t gotten around to getting put back on birth control. No time like the present.
“Real marriage or not, I want you to use condoms when we’re together.”
He scowled. “I’m clean. Got tested last week.”
“And how many women have there been since then?”
“None. I had some shit happening that needed my attention. You’re the only woman I’ve fucked since then.”
“I’m clean too, but...” I swallowed hard. “I’m not on birth control.”
He bolted off the bed and began pacing furiously, cursing every other step. If he pulled on his hair any harder, he was going to be bald. It seemed we hadn’t discussed birth control last night in our drunken stupor. Then again, people who thought it was awesome to get married to a complete stranger probably didn’t care about things like unplanned pregnancies. I still couldn’t believe I’d done something so stupid, so irrational, so... so not me.
“When will you know if you’re pregnant?” he asked.
“I don’t know. I’d have to look at those test kits and see how early you can take them. Or call a doctor and ask. I’ve never had a pregnancy scare before.”
He stopped and knelt in front of me, taking my hands in his.
“I’m sorry I lost my shit. There was this chick, this groupie; she tried to pawn her kid off as mine. Threatened me and said she’d go public if I didn’t give her a million dollars. I just don’t want to go through that again.”
“I didn’t do it on purpose,” I said softly. “I didn’t even know who you were. I thought you were some broke musician.”
He smiled a little. “We’ll figure it out. Just promise me that you’ll be honest with me. If anything happens, I want to know.”
I nodded and wondered just what the hell I’d gotten myself into.
Chapter Three
My wife was back in her room, packing her belongings. We’d agreed to give the marriage a chance, which meant she was moving in with me. She hadn’t made a comment when I’d mentioned sex, so that was still up in the air. My dick hoped she was all for it. If not, it was going to be a long ass year. I hadn’t lied to her. I would be faithful, even if it killed me, but truthfully, the only woman I wanted was the one I’d married. She had fire in her blood, and I’d gladly let her lead me around by the cock any time any day.
There was a knock on my suite door and I wondered if that was her. She hadn’t been gone for very long, but I had no idea how much crap she’d packed. Didn’t women usually take a ton of shit with them when they went out of town? Then again, she didn’t act like the women I was used to being around. I had to wonder if the rest of her clothes were just as sedate as that little black dress had been wearing last night.
I pulled open the door, feeling more excited than I’d anticipated, only to be majorly let down.
Simon, Roman, and Dash brushed past me. Just what I needed. I knew I’d have to face my bandmates sooner or later, but I had hoped it would be later. Maybe after we’d returned to L.A. Hell, I didn’t even know what to say to them. With some luck, I could get them out of my hotel room before Honey returned. If she met them this soon, she’d take off for sure.
“What the hell, Jace?” Simon said. “You missed an epic after party last night, and the babes.” He smacked his lips.
Dash shook his head. “Ignore Romeo. After that shit you went through, I can’t blame you for bailing last night. It was the same shit, different town. Girls were crawling all over us. Hell, Simon got sucked off in the middle of the party in front of everyone.”
“At least he wasn’t fucking her on the couch in front of everyone like a damn porno; remember him doing that like he did in Atlanta,” Roman said.
“None of that explains what you’re doing in my room this morning.”
“Afternoon,” Dash corrected with a grin. “It’s after two o’clock. Let me guess. You got completely hammered last night and slept the day away.”
The sound of the door opening made me pause.
“Jace, I hope you don’t mind, but the front desk gave me a room key,” Honey said as she entered the room, a bellhop following her with a trolley full of crap.
Roman arched a brow and waited for an explanation.
“Oh,” Honey said as she came to a stop just inside the door. “I didn’t realize you had company.”
“They aren’t company,” I said. I put myself between the band and her, wishing I could have kept her to myself a little longer. Simon would hit on her, and the other two...no telling what they would say about this. “It’s the rest of the band.”
Honey peered around me, her eyes large.
“And who is this?” Simon asked with a smirk. “And here I thought you said you didn’t want to get your dick wet last night.”
“Shut it,” I growled. “You’ll show her some respect.”
Simon’s eyebrows winged up.
“Maybe you should introduce us?” Dash suggested. “She’s obviously important to you if you’re ready to castrate Simon over a comment that normally wouldn’t bother you.”
Fuck. He was right. Before, Simon’s comment would have meant nothing to me. But this wasn’t some random chick they were talking about; this was my wife. We may have only known one another for one night, but the band on her finger meant she deserved some respect, and I was going to make sure she got it.
“Dash, Simon, Roman...this is Honey. My wife.”
Roman whistled.
“What the hell, man?” Simon said, his eyebrows furrowed. “You got married? Either her pussy is made of gold or you’re more fucked up over that Rochelle crap than I realized.”
I didn’t even stop to think. I just hauled my fist back and let it fly, right for Simon’s jaw. His head snapped to the side, and he staggered back. The glare he cast me promised revenge, but I didn’t give a shit. He could do his worst, but I’d be prepared for him. No one was going to talk about my wife like she was some two-bit hooker.
Roman approached Honey; his hand held out. “I’m Roman. I play bass in the band. Welcome to the Fierce Seduction family.”
“I’m Dash. The singer.” Dash held out his hand. “Is your name really Honey?”
She nodded, looking a little bemused.
“The asshat is Simon, our drummer,” I told her. I wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her tight against me.
The bellhop, momentarily forgotten, cleared his throat. I grabbed my wallet and tipped him, so he’d get the hell out of here. I had enough to deal with. Knowing my luck, he’d blab about my marriage to anyone with ears and it would be splashed all over the tabloids by lunch. I didn’t want to keep Honey a secret, but I had hoped to prepare her for my lifestyle before shoving her into the deep end.
“You’re really married?” Simon asked.
“We got married last night,” Honey said softly.
“I hope like hell you found a fly by night lawyer to do a prenup,” Simon said. “She’s just another gold-digging whore after your money, and this time, you fucked up and married her. She’s entitled to half of everything you’re worth in a divorce.”
“I have my own money, thank you,” Honey said primly. “I was doing just fine before I met Jace last night, and I’d continue to do just fine without him or his money. I didn’t even know he had money.”
Simon snorted. “Yeah right. What do you do for your goldmine? I didn’t realize street walkers made so much.”
Roman smacked Simon in the back of the head. “That’s his wife, dipshit. Watch what you say.”
“Honey is an author,” I said, remembering a
t least that much about my new wife.
I still had no clue what she wrote, or if her books were even popular, but it didn’t matter to me. The fact she was creative was a bonus. Hell, I wouldn’t care if she never wrote another book and just became a housewife, if that’s what would make her happy, but if her writing was anything like my music, it wasn’t just a job, it was an obsession.
Simon wisely kept his mouth shut, but I could tell he had a smartass remark he wanted to make. Roman and Dash seemed intrigued.
“What do you write?” Dash asked.
Honey’s cheeks pinked nicely. “Contemporary erotic romance.”
Roman smiled a little.
“What’s the difference in a regular romance and an erotic romance?” Dash asked, his brow lowered, and his lips pinched as if he seriously needed to know the answer.
Her cheeks burned a little brighter.
“Both have sex, right?” Dash asked.
“Yes, they both have sex, but in an erotic romance the words are more direct, and there are usually more sex scenes. But unlike erotica, erotic romance is more about the story than the sex. And there’s a happily-ever-after.”
Dash folded his arms, looking more than a little curious. Not that I was shocked. He always asked a hundred questions about shit, wanting to learn new things. And since Honey was now part of our little family, it meant he’d want to know as much about her and her job as possible. I was rather intrigued too.
“Well, if you can write a story with sex scenes, but remove them and the story still makes sense and has a proper flow, then it’s an erotic romance. But if the story is sex driven with little to no story, then it’s erotica. Although, I’ve read some erotica that had really good storylines. I think the lines sometimes blur a little.”
“Interesting.” Dash smiled. “So, are you considered a respectable writer or are the tabloids going to equate this to Jace marrying a porn star?”
Oh, Christ.
Honey smiled. “I’m squeaky clean. You’re not going to find nude pictures of me out on the internet or anything if that’s what you’re wondering. I might write steamy romances, but I’ve led a very vanilla life.”
There was nothing vanilla about last night; that was for damn sure. I skimmed over her curves. She’d changed out of the black dress and wore a body-hugging knit V-neck and a pair of pants that came to mid-calf. What the hell did they call those things? I knew there was a name for them. She was dressed all sweet and innocent, but I had some very naughty thoughts about my wife.
“We came to see if you wanted to join us for some gambling,” Roman said. “But I think you’d prefer to spend some time with your new wife. Not that I can blame you.”
Dash clapped me on the shoulder. “We’ll see you tomorrow morning at the airport.”
“About that.” I glanced at Honey. We hadn’t discussed our return trip home. How we were getting there, when we were getting there. “I thought I’d exchange my ticket and get a flight with Honey. I should probably help her pack and ride with her from San Diego to Malibu.”
I felt her stiffen beside me and knew this was a conversation I should have had with her, before mentioning it to the band. No doubt I was going to screw up frequently until I figured this marriage thing out. Maybe I should buy stock in Hallmark cards and roses; I had a feeling I’d be buying them a lot over the next year.
“Don’t forget we have practice on Friday,” Dash said. “None of us give a fuck what you do between now and then, but we need you there. We talked last night, and there are some things we need to discuss, and some changes that we need to make before the next tour.”
“Do you tour often?” Honey asked.
I wasn’t sure if she asked because she would miss me or because she was looking forward to those weeks of freedom.
“We just ended a tour last night, but we have another one set up in four months. The next one is six weeks long and includes two stops in Canada. Our manager is trying to set up an international tour, but that probably won’t happen for another year. We aren’t too big overseas yet.” Dash smiled. “Don’t worry. We’ll take care of him while he’s gone.”
“How many tours do you have a year?” she asked.
“We’ll have two this year. Next year hasn’t been discussed, other than the international possibility. If we did a longer tour, we’d probably only do two again. If we stay stateside, then we may have three or four. We’ll make sure he comes home to you for a few months before we hit the road again.”
She frowned but nodded.
“Go on, assholes. Get out of here. I’d like to make some plans with my wife.” I shoved them out the door, slamming it behind them.
“Your friend, Simon, doesn’t seem to like me much,” Honey said.
I pulled her into my arms. “He’s not married to you; he doesn’t have to like you. And I can promise that I like you just fine, Mrs. Devayne.”
She smiled, relief relaxing her features. I didn’t like that Simon had upset her, and I knew I’d have to talk to him. If he couldn’t behave himself, then he wouldn’t be invited to my house anytime soon. Anyone who disrespected Honey was going to find my foot up their ass or my fist in their face. I’d never hit anyone over a woman before, and that should have been enough of a clue for Simon to zip his damn mouth shut.
Her scent teased me, and I tipped her chin up. My lips brushed against hers, softly at first, then more demanding. Honey melted against me and wrapped her arms around my waist. There was no doubt that we had sparks. Hell, we’d practically set the room on fire last night we’d been so hot for one another. I could only hope our passion wouldn’t diminish over the year but would continue to grow. I already couldn’t keep my hands off her, but I didn’t want the newness to fade. I’d never been with a woman for more than one night, not even in high school. It should have scared the piss out of me that I’d just sentenced myself to sleep with the same woman every night for the rest of my life, but there was an odd calmness that settled over me when I thought about my future with Honey.
“If you keep kissing me, we’ll never leave this room, and I don’t know about you, but I’m starving,” she murmured against my lips.
“Then I should shower and dress, so I can feed you. Let me carry your stuff to the bedroom first.”
She shook her head. “We’re only here one more night. I can rifle through them in here just as easily as I can in the bedroom. No sense in unpacking it all again.”
“If that’s what you want.” I kissed her cheek before heading to the bedroom.
I stripped out of my jeans and tossed them on the floor near my luggage before going to the bathroom. The water warmed quickly, although with my hot little wife in the other room, a cold shower might have been better. I had a raging hard-on, and my hands had stayed in PG places every time I’d touched her since waking up. Before falling asleep was another matter. I’d had my hands all over that gorgeous body of hers, and I hoped like hell I got to do it again real soon.
My cock ached and throbbed, but the poor bastard wasn’t going to get any attention right now. I was rinsing the shampoo from my hair when I heard the shower door open. I squinted through the soap bubbles that were stinging my eyes and nearly slipped and fell on my ass when I realized Honey had gotten in the shower with me.
“I did some thinking,” she said. “And if we’re married and going to stay married for a year, then I think we need to do this the right way. Go all in.”
Holy fuck! Did that mean I was going to get sex after all? My dick jumped in excitement over the prospect. I hadn’t lied about being a little sore from our sex-a-thon, but my cock seemed to want more attention anyway. Her mouth, her pussy...I wasn’t picky.
“Unless you don’t want me in here?” she asked, uncertainty in her eyes.
Shit. I hadn’t said a fucking word to her.
She smiled.
I rinsed the soap from my eyes and snaked an arm around her wais
t; I dragged her closer before slamming my mouth down on hers. Our teeth clashed, but I didn’t give a fuck. All I wanted was her. Anyway I could have her. Legs in the air, bent over, on her fucking knees. I fucked her all night long, and I was sure she had to be sore, but she shouldn’t have gotten in this damn shower if she didn’t want to be fucked. There’s only so much temptation a man can take. And my sexy-as-hell naked wife wasn’t something I could ignore.
Her hand wrapped around my cock and I tipped my head back, reveling in the sensation. Her fingers were small, and she couldn’t reach all the way around the monster, but that delicate touch was driving me insane. You’d think I’d never had my dick stroked before. I could honestly say it never felt like this. Her touch was electrifying, and every nerve in my body snapped to attention.
“I want you, Jace.” She fell to her knees. “But first, I want to taste you.”
Holy shit!
Her sweet little tongue lapped at the pre-cum drizzling from the tip of my cock. She licked her lips before fitting them around me, her tongue lashing the underside of my shaft as she swallowed me down. I was way too big for someone so small, but she made it work, stroking me with her hand as her mouth did wicked things to me. My hands were fisted at my sides so I wouldn’t reach for her. The urge to grip that golden hair of hers and fuck her mouth was riding me hard, but I knew I’d choke her if I did.
She did this sweet little hum that made my balls draw up and my legs quiver, the vibration running down my shaft. The wet sounds from the suction of her mouth and the sexy little noises she made were almost enough to make me blow my load, but I gritted my teeth and held back. Fuck if I wanted this to end anytime soon. She might be a writer, but the woman gave porn star worthy blow jobs. Made me wonder just what kind of research she had to do for her books, and whether or not she’d practice on me.
Jesus, Fuck. I wanted this to last, but she sucked a little harder and I couldn’t hold on another moment. I sank my fingers into her hair as I shot cum down her throat. It felt fucking fantastic, but I was a little disappointed I didn’t get to fill that pussy up again.
Honey wiped a few drops of cum from the corner of her mouth and slowly stood up, wincing a little. Her knees were bright red from digging into the tiled shower floor, and I wanted her to know how much I appreciated her. I couldn’t think of a better way to say thank you than to make her come at least once. Maybe on my tongue.