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Flicker (Dixie Reapers MC 11) Page 2

  “Louis Cantrell. My best friend, who also happens to be dating the love of his life, Marcus.” My lips twitched when he eased back against the booth bench. “Yes, my best friend is gay. He went through the same academy as me and is working as a cook in a classy restaurant.”

  The waitress, Lily, returned with our drinks and set them down, but she didn’t linger. I noticed my dad waited to continue our conversation until she had moved off, and his gaze stayed locked on her for longer than was necessary. Yeah, he definitely had a thing for her.

  “Guess I don’t have much of a right to get upset over who you date, or don’t date, since I didn’t even know you existed until tonight,” he said.

  “What’s your real name?” I asked. “Or do I just call you Sarge?”

  “Lance Reid.” He rubbed a hand down his beard. “But I was kind of hoping you might want to call me Dad. Shit. Your grandparents are going to freak the hell out. I’m freaking out for that matter. Never thought I’d have kids and now I have one fully grown daughter I never knew about. I don’t know the first damn thing about being a parent.”

  “First, I don’t need a parent in the sense you’re thinking. I already did my growing up, but I do want to get to know you. And it’s awesome that I finally have a dad. Second, I have grandparents?” I asked, ignoring his comment about him freaking out. He was allowed. If our roles were reversed, I’d probably feel the same. What my mother had done hadn’t been fair to either of us. But… grandparents! I’d always envied the kids who had some. It had just been me and Mom, and she was no prize.

  “Yeah. Margie and Robert Reid. My dad is from Scotland, but his accent isn’t that thick these days. Mom is from Georgia. They’re in their eighties. Had me late in life. Mom always called me her miracle baby.”

  “Do they live here?” I asked, suddenly wanting to meet them more than anything. Finding out who my dad was had been amazing, if a bit scary considering the circumstances, but discovering I had grandparents? Holy shit! That was like striking gold for a kid who had never had anyone but a junkie whore mother.

  “A few towns over. Once we get some stuff figured out, I’ll take you over there. For now, we need to focus on more immediate things, like do you have a place to stay?” he asked.

  “Um, no, but I’m assuming even a small place like this has a motel or two.”

  “You can stay with me, if you’re comfortable doing that. I have a house at the compound. It’s not exactly big, but there’s a spare room. We can decorate it however you want, if you decide to stick around for a while.” He shrugged. “If you want to move on once all this mess with your mom is sorted, then that’s fine too, but I’m hoping you’ll keep in touch.”

  Our food arrived and he went quiet again. It was nice of him to offer me a place to stay, and I had to wonder if he was just being polite or if he really wanted me there. A guy who’d never thought to have kids, and hadn’t known about me, might prefer to have his space. I didn’t want to stay there if he was just being polite but didn’t really want me under foot. I ate about a fourth of my food, glancing up at him every few bites. I could feel him watching me when I wasn’t looking.

  “Do you want me to? Stick around, I mean,” I said.

  “Yeah, I do. Might take me a few days to adjust to being a dad, or longer, but now that I know about you, I want to get to know you.”

  “I’d like that,” I admitted.

  We finished our food and he leaned back in the booth. He didn’t seem in a rush to get back to the compound, so I pushed my plate away and leaned my arms on the table. I’d been right about the food. Greasy but good. It was the most I’d eaten in days and my stomach was content for the moment.

  “Tell me about this trouble your mom was mixed up in, the trouble that she said would come looking for you,” he said.

  “Mom has -- had -- a bad drug habit. Heroin, cocaine, meth. She loved it all, and she wasn’t above helping herself if she saw anything lying around. Except this time, she stole an entire brick.”

  “What the fuck did she do with a brick of coke?” he asked, his voice going dark and deep. The look in his eyes said he’d clearly kill my mom himself if she weren’t already dead.

  “Probably threw a party or several, and I’m sure a good bit of it went up her nose,” I said. “She’d been babbling the other day about someone trying to get something from her, and that if she didn’t return it, they wanted twenty grand in cash. Like my mom has that kind of money. I have no idea how long ago she took the cocaine, but it was long enough for her to go through it.”

  “And you didn’t get more details from her?”

  I sighed and looked down at my hands a moment. “You have to understand something. My mother has -- had -- been strung out on drugs and booze pretty much since her pimp got his hooks into her. It made it easier for her to be a whore, I guess, if she was flying high. Her abuse got worse over the years, and I’m honestly surprised she hadn’t OD’d long before now. In the last five years alone, she came to me for money, claiming someone would hurt her if she didn’t get her hands on some cash. Never as much as twenty grand, but it still added up. I gave it to her the first two times. The third time I got suspicious and I followed her. She used it to buy drugs and throw a party for her friends.”

  “So when she came crying about owing money, you figured she was lying like before,” he said. “Understandable. People hooked on drugs, especially the hard stuff, will do anything for their next hit.”

  “I don’t know who she owed the money to, so I have no idea who is coming for me. I’m hoping they can’t find me here, but when she gave me your address, I knew I had to come see you. Even if you refused to have anything to do with me, I just wanted to see my dad at least once,” I said.

  “I’m glad you’re here, Pepper.” He frowned. “Why did she name you that?”

  My lips curved in a smile. “She said that you liked comics and had talked about a few of the superheroes and you’d mentioned a few women. The name Pepper stuck out in her mind I guess.”

  He rubbed the back of his neck and his cheeks flushed pink. “Uh, yeah. I have a bit of a collection.”

  He didn’t seem like the comic geek type, but who was I to judge? After he paid the check, and I noticed he left a ten-dollar tip on a bill that was less than fifteen dollars, we drove back to the compound. No doubt in my mind he was sweet on Lily. Maybe while I was hanging out I could give him a nudge in her direction. She’d seemed nice enough. The Prospect at the gate let us through and I followed my dad to a small bungalow that was gray with black shutters. It was very sedate compared to some of the other houses we passed, including the sprawling house next door, but I could see Sarge living here.

  My dad pulled up into the small carport and I left my bike in the driveway. As I swung my leg over the seat and removed my helmet, I became aware of a figure leaning against the house just to the right of the door. My dad didn’t have a light on outside, and the guy had blended with the shadows. He came closer, his gaze locked on me, and I felt my thighs clench when I got a better look. His dark blond hair was clipped short, and he had a neatly trimmed beard. I recognized him just from his hair and overall build. It was the man I’d seen earlier. The one who had made my belly clench, and not in an unpleasant way. Looking into his eyes made my legs feel like jelly. Bedroom eyes, that’s what my mother had always called them. If anyone could tempt me to give up my V-card, it was this guy. Just from the way I felt under his gaze, if the man snapped his fingers and told me to bend over, I’d offer myself to him in an instant. It was such an intense feeling that it both excited and frightened me.

  “Flicker, why the hell are you lurking outside of my house?” my dad asked him.

  My gaze dropped to his vest and I saw his name along with a title stitched there. Treasurer. Since my dad didn’t have a title under his name, I figured that meant this guy was someone important. For once, I was wishing I’d paid attention to those biker gang -- or whatever a group of bikers was called -- shows
and movies people were always talking about. I was more of a cartoon watcher, though. The classics like Scooby-Doo, the Jetsons, and Droopy Dog. None of the new stuff, unless it was from the Mouse.

  “Fenton said there might be trouble with your unexpected guest,” Flicker said. He practically undressed me with his eyes, not that it would be all that difficult since I was in head to toe leather that was skintight. As my nipples tightened, I was glad for the extra protection. Didn’t stop my cheeks from heating.

  “Did he tell you who my guest was?” my dad asked.

  “No. You’ve never been the type to go for the younger ones, Sarge. But I’m more than willing to take her off your hands for the night. Maybe for several nights.” He licked his lips. “Possibly even longer. Damn.”

  I gasped and took a step back as my dad punched Flicker right across the jaw. The Treasurer of the club shook it off and glared at him.

  “What the fuck was that shit?” Flicker demanded.

  “That’s my daughter you’re eye fucking, asshole,” my dad said, his voice nearly a growl he sounded so pissed.

  Flicker jerked to look at me again, then glanced back at Sarge. He looked back and forth between us about a dozen times before he held up his hands and backed up a few steps. The sight of his cock pressing against the front of his jeans had me squeezing my thighs together. I’d never, not even once, desired a man. Why did it have to be this one? What was so special about him?

  “I didn’t mean any disrespect. I wasn’t aware you had a daughter, much less that she was visiting,” Flicker said.

  “I didn’t know either,” Sarge said. “Her bitch of a mother kept her from me all these years. She may be in some trouble, Flicker, but I’ll discuss it with you tomorrow. Stop by for breakfast?”

  The Treasurer, who I was starting to think of as Mr. Drool-worthy Biker God, gave a quick nod and stalked off to the house next door. The Indian Chief Dark Horse parked in his double carport was enough to make me sigh. I’d checked out the new line-up a month ago and knew it had to be brand-new. So, gorgeous and the man had taste when it came to his ride. What more could a girl ask for? I had a feeling that being next door to him would prove challenging. My dad didn’t seem to like the idea of his friend being with me, which meant I’d probably need to keep my distance.

  Figured the one man who actually made me ache was off-limits. I only hoped he got that memo, because I had no doubt that one touch and I’d go up in flames. The man had player written all over him, but it didn’t seem to matter to all the parts of my body that were currently humming in appreciation. As I watched him walk off, I had to admit the man had a fine ass.

  Chapter Two


  Sarge had a daughter. A really hot, made-me-hard-in-an-instant, completely off-limits daughter. Fuck my life. I hadn’t touched a woman in months. Or more accurately, my dick hadn’t cooperated in months. It wasn’t that I’d been a monk on purpose. I’d honestly started to worry that I would need those little blue pills to get the job done, but the red-haired siren had pulled off her helmet and got off her bike, and fuck if I hadn’t had an instant hard-on. I’d thought the end to my nearly six months of celibacy was at hand, until Sarge had punched me. Any other time, I’d have knocked him on his ass, but the guy had just been defending his kid. Couldn’t really get pissed at him over that.

  If I hadn’t known that Sarge was a dad, I wondered who else in the club hadn’t known. When Fenton had said there was a woman at the gate who could be trouble for Sarge and the club, he hadn’t said a fucking thing about her being his kid. Either they hadn’t discussed that shit where the Prospect could hear it, or he’d just left that part out for some reason. I’d have to address it sooner or later. Fenton had slipped up more than once, but he was a decent guy. He just didn’t always think things through. Some of it was probably just his age. Or maybe he was just fucking clueless. Mistakes could get people killed, though, and I knew it couldn’t be tolerated.

  I heard Sarge’s front door slam and I peeked through the side window. His daughter was pulling a backpack off her bike. My dick pulsed in my pants as I watched her hips sway on her way back inside. I stepped back and closed my eyes, trying to think of anything that might help me soften. Road kill. Rotten teeth. Liquefying corpses. I closed my eyes tighter, but it didn’t matter. One look at those curves and that sweet round ass and I was a goner.

  I grumbled as I stomped through the house and went to the master bedroom. I jerked open the bedside table drawer and grabbed the lube. I nearly tore the zipper on my jeans trying to get my pants undone, and then I was slicking my cock. A groan tore through me as I stroked my shaft, my grip just the right amount of tight. Picturing the hot redhead on her knees, her lips parted as I fucked her mouth, made my balls draw up. I jerked my cock faster and harder until my cum sprayed across the bed. My chest heaved as I stared at my cock and snarled. All this time not getting hard and now the fucking thing wouldn’t soften! What the hell?

  It was bad enough I was getting off to visions of Sarge’s daughter. Something told me only her pouty lips around my dick would be enough to tame the beast inside me right now, or her tight, wet pussy. My cock jerked and twitched. I added more lube, then stroked another one out. Didn’t make a damn bit of difference, though. I had a feeling I was going to be hard as fucking steel the rest of the night and into the morning. Good thing I hadn’t had any of those blue pills I’d thought about getting.

  I rolled my head, cracking my neck, then froze as I realized my bedroom blinds were open… and so were the ones in the house next door, and one very sexy lady had just watched me. Her lips were parted, and even from here I could see how hard her nipples were. It was all kinds of wrong, and I was probably going to hell, but I started jerking off again, my gaze locked on the siren next door. She leaned in closer, practically pressing her nose against the window. I stopped, gripping the base of my dick to hold off an orgasm. The woman next door squirmed.

  She licked her lips and ran her fingers along the neckline of her tank. When I’d seen her earlier, she’d had on a leather jacket to match her leather pants. Now there was a red tank, and as her fingers dipped lower, tugging the material down, I could see she was braless. Holy fucking shit! I nearly came just from that knowledge, and when it looked like she was flicking her finger across her nipple, I started tugging on my dick again. It only took a moment before I was coming, even harder than the previous two times. She bit her lower lip and cupped her breasts.

  That’s it, baby. Offer them to me.

  Her tank slipped a little lower and I could nearly see her nipples. Her gaze locked with mine again and a red flush crept across her cheeks. She quickly turned her back, then pulled her shirt off. The way her red hair teased across the bare skin of her back made me want to hold onto it as I fucked her from behind. She shimmied out of her leather pants and I knew the red lacy thong underneath would feature in my dreams for a while. She bent over, her ass on display. My mouth watered as I thought about tasting every inch of her.

  Sarge was going to geld me if he ever found out about this. His daughter might be fully grown, but that was still his baby that I wanted to fuck. When she removed the thong and I got a glimpse of her bare pussy, I nearly fell to my knees. I’d never hungered for a woman the way I wanted this one. She reached out of view of the window and then pulled on a pair of shorts so tiny I knew her ass would hang out if she bent over again. Then came a white tank. When she was dressed again, she turned to face me.

  My cock was still hanging out, though hanging might not be the word since the damn thing was hard again, and I noticed that she seemed to appreciate the sight. With a slight smile, she waved at me, then turned to cross the room. Her bedroom was plunged into darkness, and I couldn’t help but wonder if she’d dream about me tonight, because she was damn sure going to be in every dream and fantasy I had for the foreseeable future.

  I kept staring out the window, part of me hoping she’d turn the light back on and I’d see more of that
playful side. After a while I stripped off my clothes and took a hot shower. Probably should have taken a cold one, but I doubted it would have helped much. Now that my cock seemed to be back in action, it seemed to want to remain at half-mast if not fully hard. If I didn’t get myself under control before morning, Sarge wasn’t going to be too happy with me. I might be an officer in this club, and he was further down the totem pole, but I was still playing with fire by lusting after the man’s daughter. Of course, I could always pull the same shit Venom did. He’d claimed Ridley whether Bull liked it or not.

  Ever since my brothers had started pairing off, I’d been admittedly jealous. Seeing how happy they were, it made me want that too. I’d always loved women, the feel and smell of them, how good they felt when you fucked them. But the older I got, the more I wanted just one woman. I wanted to fall asleep with her soft curves wrapped in my arms and wake up with her as well. I’d never trust a club slut for that type of thing, but the right woman? Someone like the goddess next door? Yeah, I could see myself keeping her.

  Despite the fact I fell into bed right after my shower, sleep wouldn’t come. And neither did I, for that matter. I tried to jerk off a few more times, but only ended up frustrated. After the striptease from the siren, my hand just wasn’t enough. I’d never looked forward to breakfast more than I did right now.

  The sun slowly crept over the horizon. More than once I heard the roar of a Harley starting up. I didn’t know where my brothers were going this damn early, and I didn’t much care at the moment. There was a certain tease who was weighing heavy on my mind right now. When the display on my phone read seven o’clock, I decided I’d waited long enough. If Sarge and his daughter weren’t awake, they would be soon. I put on a fresh pair of boxer briefs and jeans, grabbed a navy tee and my cut. After I’d dressed, I put on my socks and boots, then headed next door. I lifted my hand to knock, but the little temptress opened the door before I had a chance. Her cheeks were pink and she looked up at me with uncertainty and a hint of desire in her eyes.