Savior (Dixie Reapers MC 16)
Savior (Dixie Reapers MC 16)
A Dixie Reapers Bad Boys Romance
Harley Wylde
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Copyright ©2022 Harley Wylde
BIN: 010351-03377
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Changeling Press LLC
315 N. Centre St.
Martinsburg, WV 25404
Editor: Crystal Esau
Cover Artist: Bryan Keller
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Table of Contents
Savior (Dixie Reapers MC 16)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Author Notes and Acknowledgments
Harley Wylde
Savior (Dixie Reapers MC 16)
A Dixie Reapers Bad Boys Romance
Harley Wylde
Dessa -- I’ve always known Sonja, my foster sister, thrives on chaos. It never occurred to me she’d go so far as to buy children, then use them as leverage against a club of bikers. When armed men burst through the door, I’m terrified. Not only of them, but of losing little Junie and Judd. Those kids mean everything to me, but they’re not really mine. I know I can’t keep them. And when the bikers walk out with the children, I don’t even try to stop them. Without Sonja and the kids, I’m alone. The darkness I’ve held at bay starts to close in on me, and I have to wonder… how much longer before I join my family on the other side?
Savior -- I only wanted my daughter. When I find her, I didn’t count on a sweet angel keeping watch. I should walk away. But Dessa’s loved my little girl as if she were her own. I feel like a monster taking Junie from Dessa. There’s a sadness in her eyes. It tugs at me, makes me want to protect her. So I give in to my instincts, and I take Dessa with me. I didn’t count on falling under her spell. She’s wrapped me around her finger, and I’m not sure I really mind.
Three Months Ago
“I’m going to ask you again, Sonja. Where the fuck is my kid?”
She grinned, blood covering her teeth. What was left of them. The boys had worked her over already, and I’d had my turn. I didn’t know why the fuck she hadn’t broken yet. I’d seen men four times her size bawl like a baby by now. The bitch was psychotic.
“I’ll never tell.”
I hated torturing women. Even club whores like this one. She’d overstepped. Not only did I have a daughter I’d never known about, but she’d thought to use my child as leverage to get what she wanted. I couldn’t let it stand. Thunder had taken his pound of flesh. All this started because the stupid bitch wanted Thunder for herself. He’d never once looked at her as anything other than a club whore. Never would have either, even if he hadn’t married Amity.
The fact Sonja had pushed Merlin to help her, and he’d then tried to drag Amity from the house, had sealed her fate. At least where Thunder was concerned. For me, she’d done that the moment she bought my kid from another woman.
Merlin might have claimed he’d done everything as a way to save his kid, but I wasn’t sure I believed him. He’d shown no true remorse over the way he’d treated Amity. If anything, I thought he’d been jealous of the time Thunder had spent with his new wife, and Merlin had decided to use the children and Sonja as an excuse to get rid of her. Since the fucker was buried six feet under, we’d never know for sure.
“Anything new?” I asked, looking over at Wire.
He’d been working on this nonstop ever since we discovered the kids. And yet, we weren’t any closer to bringing them home. Clearly, Sonja had someone else helping her. We’d already checked her place here in town. Other than roaches, drugs, and empty alcohol bottles, we hadn’t found anything. Even a stupid cunt like her wouldn’t leave small children unattended. As often as she came here to party, it meant someone else had the kids. But who?
He shook his head. “If she’s got a place where she’s stashed the kids, it’s under a different name.”
“So look into her family. Even a bitch like her had to have come from somewhere.”
The smile slipped from her face, and I knew I was onto something. I didn’t know anything about Sonja. Were her parents alive? Did she have siblings or cousins who might help her hide the kids? If Wire had already checked those angles, I wasn’t aware of it. I knew he’d vetted the women who came here. Dug into their backgrounds. Made sure he didn’t find incriminating texts or messages from any of their electronic devices. He’d watched their social media accounts.
How had Sonja slipped past us all? The woman was short a few screws. To hear Thunder tell it, he’d worried about Veronica latching onto him. Something about her wanting more than he’d been willing to give. Yet, it had been Sonja who tried to lure him in by any means necessary. He was a good kid, and he’d treated the women well. I could understand why they’d want to keep him. Didn’t mean it would ever happen. Even if he were single right now, he wouldn’t have claimed a club whore.
“She should have broken by now,” Tempest said.
“If I can’t have what I want, you can’t have what you want,” Sonja said.
“Thunder is married, you crazy whore,” Tempest said.
It didn’t matter. I knew her type. She wouldn’t stop until she had what she wanted, or until we put her in the ground. It was only a matter of time. She wasn’t walking out of here. Bitch had to know it. Maybe that was the problem. She had nothing left to lose.
“No family that I could find,” Wire said. “But Sonja was adopted. Maybe I can track her foster siblings and parents. This might take a while.”
“Do it. I’ll keep working on her. Maybe we can still break her,” I said.
Wire gave a nod and walked out, carrying his laptop with him. I faced Sonja, ignoring the sneer on her face. I was running out of options. We’d knocked out some of her teeth. Burned her. Cut off hunks of her hair. Sliced her up. The woman had bruises from the top of her head to the tips of her toes. Yet she still refused to tell me where the kids were.
“Foster families. Tell me about them. And remember, the longer it takes Wire to find my kid, the worse things will be for you.” I walked over
to the table and picked up a small knife. She eyed the blade and tried to hide her fear. Didn’t work. I could see right through her. We’d tied her hands and feet to the chair, which made my next step easy enough.
“You son of a bitch!” she screamed as I removed one of her fingernails. She ranted and raved as I took off another one. By the third, she couldn’t hold back her tears. My stomach twisted as I looked at her bloody fingers. I hated this fucking shit.
“Where’s my daughter, Sonja? Let’s end this now. Do you really want to keep suffering? Because it’s only going to get worse.”
“I won’t tell you,” she said, pressing her lips together in a tight line.
“Fine.” I made shallow cuts along her arms, shoulders, and the tops of her breasts. Her blood flowed, and tears streaked her cheeks. She still wouldn’t give up the location. We’d been at this for days now. I didn’t know how she’d managed to hold out for so long.
I should have known she’d never tell us what we needed to know. Instead, I watched as she slowly bled out from her various wounds. No closer to finding my daughter, or Merlin’s son. I wouldn’t rest until those kids were home, where they belonged. Whatever it took, we’d find them. When I’d realized she wouldn’t give in, I’d ended it. No point listening to her plead and cry. It wouldn’t change anything, and everything she’d done, I wasn’t about to let her live.
Tempest folded his arms and stared at the carnage in front of us. “What do you want me to do with her?”
“I don’t care. Make her disappear. Burn her. Feed her to some pigs. Bury her. What the fuck ever you think will work best.”
I cleaned off my hands and left the room. I might not know where my biological child was right now, but I did have another daughter waiting for me. One I’d adopted. Ares might be mostly grown up, but she still needed me. And so did this club. I couldn’t wallow in agony, wondering if my other kid was even still alive. I’d have to hold on to the hope that I’d find her one day. Until I found evidence she was gone for good. Only then would I stop searching.
I walked in my door and Ares shut off the TV, watching me expectantly. “Any luck?”
I shook my head. “Wire is going to look into something. We think she’s got them in a house under someone else’s name. Maybe someone she knew in the foster system. It’s all we’ve got right now.”
“You’ll find her,” Ares said. “And when you do, she’s going to be the luckiest little girl because you’re an amazing dad. I should know.”
I smiled and shook my head. “Wish I could take credit for you, but you were already incredible. I’m just along for the ride, and to make sure you get to be a teenager before you have to finish growing up. After everything you went through, you’ve earned it.”
“When you do find her…” Ares dropped her gaze. I knew what she would say. We’d already had this discussion a few times.
“Ares, you’re my daughter, even if we aren’t related by blood. I’m not throwing you out. There’s enough room here for you to keep your bedroom, and for your little sister to have one of her own. Besides, I’ll need your help. I have no fucking clue what to do with a little girl.”
She flashed me a smile. “All right. I can do the big sister thing.”
I nodded. “Good. I’m going to take a shower, then I’ll make dinner for us.”
I knew once my other daughter came home, Ares would feel like she didn’t belong. I’d have to make sure she knew I still loved her. I may not have been her sperm donor, but that girl had my heart. She was tough as nails, and I knew she’d take the world by storm when the time came.
Chapter One
I didn’t know where my sister had found the children, but little Junie and Judd were the sweetest kids. They weren’t hers. No matter what she implied, I knew she’d never been pregnant. Not to mention, she didn’t have a maternal bone in her body. Of course, I’d seen plenty of parents who didn’t have what it took to take care of children. Which was why I’d ended up in foster care, along with Sonja.
It bothered me, not knowing where the children came from. Did they have parents searching for them? Had Sonja stolen them to try and give them a better life? I had too many questions, and she never offered any answers. Not that I’d seen her lately. She usually stopped by every other week with some cash and would buy groceries. Until the day she’d walked out and not returned. Had she grown bored with the kids? It wouldn’t have surprised me.
I rolled my chair forward and scooped Junie onto my lap. She giggled and clapped her hands, always enjoying a ride. To her, it was a game. For me… Well, it was a reminder of the life I’d never get to have. Jeremy had made it clear no one would want a woman like me for a wife. The accident hadn’t been my fault. He’d walked away, and I hadn’t. Thanks to the drunk driver, and nerve damage, I’d never walk again.
I could have wallowed in self-pity, or let depression drag me down. It had been close for a while. Once Jeremy dumped me, I’d spiraled. I’d barely been existing when Sonja found me. She’d asked for my help, even though she hadn’t explained what she needed. I’d agreed, as long as it wasn’t illegal. She’d smirked and said I’d be fine. Then she’d vanished again, only to show up about five months ago with two kids in tow.
The first two months after the accident had been rough. Adjusting to life in a wheelchair hadn’t been easy. Hell, most days I still struggled. I wondered if I always would.
“How’s my sweet girl today?” I asked, kissing her cheek.
I glanced at the kitchen and knew I’d have to order supplies soon. The money Sonja had left was long gone. She should have returned months ago. Part of me worried she’d forgotten about us. Or worse, she’d gotten into trouble. Being unable to drive made life a little difficult at times. Even if I’d had a car, I wasn’t sure how I’d manage. I hadn’t had insurance when the accident happened. If the drunk driver hadn’t covered my medical expenses, I’d have never gotten my wheelchair. The damn things cost entirely too much.
Thankfully, there were apps for nearly everything these days. I could have groceries delivered, as long as I had money. Maybe someday I could afford a car and figure out how to drive without the use of my legs. It just wouldn’t happen anytime soon.
Chasing the little ones didn’t give me much time for work, and my job barely covered our expenses. If Sonja didn’t return soon, we’d be in trouble. I had enough for some groceries, as long as I bought cheap things like macaroni or spaghetti. I knew the kids needed healthier options, but it was better to feed them than to make them starve.
Judd held his arms up, and I lifted him onto my lap as well. They both curled against me, and I knew they were ready for a nap. Wheeling us into the living room, I picked up their favorite book off the coffee table. We’d read Goodnight Moon so many times, I had it memorized. And yet, the kids wanted to listen to it every day. Sometimes more than once.
We were on page four when someone pounded on the door. I clutched the children to me and stared, too scared to open it. It rattled on the hinges, and I knew it had to be a man on the other side. I’d never met a woman with that much force behind their fist. Didn’t mean there weren’t any. I’d just never known any.
“Who’s there?” I called out.
“You have to the count of three to open this damn door or I’m breaking it down,” a deep voice said from the other side.
My heart leaped into my throat, and I started backing my chair toward the hall. I knew if they really wanted in, there wasn’t any way I could stop them. The way he beat on the door made me fear not only for my life, but the lives of the children. When he made it into the house, we’d be helpless.
I whispered to the kids, hoping they’d listen. “I need you both to go hide. Don’t come out unless I call you. Understand?”
Junie blinked at me and didn’t say anything. Judd stared and refused to move. I whimpered, not wanting anything bad to happen to them. Stuck in my chair, I knew I wouldn’t be able to fight off whoever was try
ing to break in.
“Lady, you let me in or I swear to Christ it won’t be pretty when I get my hands on you.”
I backed up even more. The door nearly exploded off the hinges as a group of large men came barreling into the house. I screamed, and the children started crying. I held them tight, hoping to soothe them, but I was just as terrified. What did these men want?
“Please, we don’t have anything valuable. Take whatever you want. Just don’t hurt us,” I begged. More men came into the house, and the breath in my lungs froze when I recognized one of them. “Johnny?”
He blinked, and his eyebrows lifted. “Dessa?”
“What’s going on?” Some of my tension eased. It had been a long time since I’d last seen him, but unless he’d drastically changed, I knew he wouldn’t hurt us. Hopefully, that meant the other men wouldn’t either.
“I go by Saint now,” he said, coming farther into the house. “I think the better question is why are you here and with those two kids?”
“You seem surprised to see her. No one mentioned who was keeping the kids?” one of the others asked. “Maybe we should be asking how the two of you know each other?”
The man’s words set me on edge. Something bad was going on. Clearly, the door being knocked off the hinges had been a big clue, but they’d come here for the children, and Johnny was with them. Sonja, what were you thinking?
“Oh, God.” I looked down at the sweet babies in my arms. “What did she do? I knew they weren’t hers. I knew it, but I…”
One of them walked over and hunkered down in front of my chair. His gaze latched onto Junie and a softness entered his eyes. The more I studied the man, the more I began to see similarities between him and Junie. Was this her father? Had I unknowingly kept the two apart? What about Judd?
All this time, Sonja had lied to me. In my gut, I’d known it. Still, I’d hoped the children hadn’t been taken from their parents. I couldn’t think of anything worse than having a loving family and being ripped away from them. How could she have done that? And even worse, she’d made me be a part of it. I’d kept these sweet babies from their daddy.