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Surge (Hades Abyss MC 8): A Dixie Reapers Bad Boys Romance

  Surge (Hades Abyss MC 8)

  Harley Wylde

  All rights reserved.

  Copyright ©2022 Harley Wylde

  BIN: 010330-03355

  Formats Available:

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  Changeling Press LLC

  315 N. Centre St.

  Martinsburg, WV 25404

  Editor: Crystal Esau

  Cover Artist: Bryan Keller

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  Table of Contents

  Surge (Hades Abyss MC 8)


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven


  Author Notes and Acknowledgments

  Harley Wylde

  Surge (Hades Abyss MC 8)

  Harley Wylde

  Colette’s a sweet angel in need of saving, and like it or not, I have a hero complex. Marrying her seems like the right thing to do. Then my sometimes lover, Aidan, finds us together. The hurt in his eyes nearly guts me.

  My club knows I’m bisexual. I’ve not hidden it from them. Doesn’t mean I’ve flaunted it in their faces either. So when I decided to claim Aidan and Colette, I’m not sure how it’s going to end. All I know is they both need me, and I need them too.

  With human traffickers after Colette, a possible traitor in the club, and more chaos than I can handle, I do the only thing I can… I run with my new wife and husband. Once I figure out who wants Colette, I’ll do whatever it takes to destroy them. Until then, I’ll keep her safe, and Aidan too. Because they both mean more to me than I realized.



  I gripped Jacques’ hand as we slipped through the alley. The dumpster at the other end usually had something somewhat edible. I’d never lived on the streets before, but Jacques kept me safe. Or as safe as he could. We’d been strangers until a few months ago.

  Jacques approached the other end of the alley, tensing as he listened to booted steps draw closer. When no one passed by, he eased forward and peered into the dumpster. I gasped as a shadow drew closer and my hold on Jacques tightened. More than once we’d been cornered. It had taught us to be overly cautious. My heart pounded as I stared at the man coming toward us.

  “If you’re up for a party, you can stop by the Hades Abyss clubhouse. There should be food and drinks. No charge,” the man said. As he came even closer, I saw he had on jeans, a T-shirt, and a black leather vest that said Prospect on it. “No strings attached. You’re both welcome.”

  Clubhouse? Party? I didn’t understand. Why would he invite homeless people to a party unless he had something nefarious planned? I didn’t trust him. I edged a little behind Jacques, even though the man had barely spared me a glance. Something about him set me on edge.

  “Where is the clubhouse?” Jacques asked, his accent thicker than usual. It was a sure sign he didn’t trust this man either. I eyed the guy from around Jacques, prepared to run if this was a trap. Each time we moved to a new town, Jacques made sure to scout a safe place for us to meet up if we ever became separated. Would I need that space now?

  “Edge of town. Just ask around. Anyone can point the way. Party usually starts close to sundown but come by anytime you want. I’m sure you’ve had some unsavory offers, living on the streets. That’s not what this is. Ask around about us.” He left as quickly as he’d arrived, and I leaned into Jacques.

  He’d told us to check up on the Hades Abyss before going to the party. Did that mean it was a legitimate offer? Could we trust him? My stomach cramped painfully. It had been more than a day since I’d eaten, and the last meal had been a discarded sandwich I’d shared with Jacques.

  “Food, Colette. We can eat something that didn’t come from the trash,” Jacques said.

  “You trust him?”

  “Non. But what other options do we have?”

  I nodded, knowing he was right. We’d made it so far, and yet we still weren’t safe. There were times I wondered if we’d ever live normal lives again. Even though I’d not known Jacques before coming to America, he’d been my lifeline the last few months. I knew he’d do what he could to keep me safe, just as he had every time someone had offered to help us.

  “We survived this long,” Jacques said, kissing my forehead. “We’ll make it a while longer, Colette. You saw that man. Someone like that could protect you.”

  My breath caught and I hoped he didn’t mean what I thought he did. Why would I need someone other than Jacques to protect me? We’d done okay so far. Maybe we were living on the streets, and I could admit I hadn’t slept well in months. But still…

  “What are you saying, Jacques?”

  He tipped my chin up and gave me a sad smile. “It’s time, ma belle. You knew we would part ways eventually. This is your chance.”

  “Je ne comprends pas.” What was he saying? Part ways? Did that mean he planned to leave me with the man who’d invited us to the party? A stranger? How did Jacques know I’d be safe with him?

  “I’ve seen those bikers around town. That one isn’t part of the club yet. You need to find someone who is, and they’ll protect you.”


  “English, ma belle. You need to use your English more if you’re going to have a chance. As to why… I’ve seen the ones who have women. They’re considerate, caring, and shield them from harm. That’s what you need. I can’t keep you safe forever, and you know it.” He sighed. “We’ve been in this town a few weeks now. I’ve been watching and waiting, hoping to find someone worthy to keep you safe. Those men are your best bet.”

  “You’re giving me to them?” I asked softly. Was he no different from the men we’d escaped from? Had I been wrong all this time?

  “Non. You’re going to choose to stay with one. Make him want to keep you. It might mean putting on another show.” He winced. “I hate doing that to you.”

  I knew there was more than one reason he disliked it. Jacques had made it clear from the beginning he preferred men. It was the main reason I’d trusted him so easily. He’d never once been interested in me sexually, even if we’d had to fake it sometimes.

  “If it will ease your mind, I’ll
do it,” I said. “But, Jacques, what’s going to happen to you?”

  “I have a contact farther north. I’ll go there, but it’s a hard trip and not safe for you.”

  I bit my lip. It hurt, knowing I’d been holding him back. He’d had a place to go and had stayed for me. How long? How many days or weeks had he suffered when he could have made a run for it? Why hadn’t he said something sooner? I knew we’d been in this town longer than the others. Now I understood why. He’d been hoping one of those men would take me in.

  “I’ll do it,” I agreed, and hoped I hadn’t just made a big mistake. If the men with the Hades Abyss found out we were tricking them, were using them, I could only imagine the hell I’d have to pay. I hoped that day never came.

  Chapter One


  Another lame-ass party. It had been a while since I’d enjoyed myself at these things, and yet, here I was. I’d been checking out the crowd, but it was the same women who were always here. And none of the men were interested. They were all straight as fuck. Sometimes being bisexual just meant more frustration. I had the joyful experience of being disappointed not once, but twice. How the hell could I be in a room this full of people and not find one potential partner for the night?

  Although, there was always one person I could turn to. I just hadn’t called him lately. I knew Aidan wanted more than I was ready to give. My club knew I liked men and women, even if they didn’t acknowledge it publicly. More than one brother had seen me with other men. No one had ever said anything. But moving a man into my house and claiming him like I would an old lady? Yeah, I didn’t see that one going over well.

  I looked across the room and saw Slider sipping a beer. We’d had a thing for a while. Now he was happily married, and only came to these events long enough for a drink or two with his brothers, then he went home to his wife. I didn’t know if I had it in me to be like him and only be with a woman the rest of my life. Then again, I felt the same about only being with a man forever. I knew the Devil’s Fury had a poly couple and wondered if the Hades Abyss would accept that type of relationship. Then again, I’d have to find both a man and a woman I wanted to hang onto forever. Probably not happening.

  I drank more of my beer and pushed off from the wall. Heading for the hallway, I’d check for wayward partygoers and then I’d head home. It never failed. Every party, someone ended up where they shouldn’t. The clubhouse mostly contained rooms used by the Prospects these days. Didn’t mean random people needed to be in there.

  The sounds of moaning had me cursing under my breath. Fuckers! I stomped down the hall, not bothering to be quiet, as I approached the lit-up room toward the back. If I hadn’t known where every Prospect currently was, I’d have thought one of them brought someone to their room. But no way that was the case this time. Pausing in the doorway, my heart nearly stopped beating. The couple on the bed were too beautiful for words.

  The woman had her head tipped back, her long dark hair trailing down to her hips. The man behind her had fine bone structure, and light scruff along his jaw. His muscles were understated, yet I found him just as mesmerizing as the woman he fucked. His gaze met mine, and I saw interest flare in his eyes.

  “Want to join us?” he asked, his accent thick. French? “Colette won’t mind, will you, ma belle?”

  She opened her eyes and looked at me. The gray depths nearly took me to my knees as she held out her hand to me. I stepped into the room, setting my beer aside. Were they serious? It had been a while since I’d shared a woman with a man.

  His gaze skimmed over me, heating as I removed my cut and my shirt. It made me pause, wondering if he was like me, or if the woman was all for show. The way he’d looked at me that first time… I’d thought it had been over the idea of sharing his woman. What if I was wrong? I watched them a moment, studying every detail.

  Had I walked into a trap? My pause didn’t go unnoticed. The man pulled away from the woman, and I realized he might have been humping her, but there had been no penetration. His cock stood erect, and dry as hell. If he’d been inside her, that wouldn’t be the case. But damn… I nearly licked my lips.

  “The two of you aren’t supposed to be in here,” I said. “This part of the clubhouse is off-limits to guests. I should ask you to leave.”

  The woman on the bed tensed, her panicked gaze turning to the man. Colette is what he’d called her. It suited her. Delicate. Beautiful. Just like her.

  “Jacques.” She nibbled her lower lip, and as I stared at her, I noticed more things. I could see her ribs, and her face had a gauntness to it. These two hadn’t come to party. They were junkies, or starving. What kind of trouble were they in? And why had they come here? How had they even heard about the clubhouse? With their accents, they clearly weren’t local.

  I pulled my shirt and cut back on, then folded my arms and stared at Jacques as he approached me. He glanced at the open doorway before facing me again.

  “Don’t ask Colette to leave. S’il vous plat. She needs to be here,” he said.

  I didn’t know what the hell he’d said when he wasn’t speaking English, but the tone was still clear. These two needed help. I didn’t know how they’d come to be here, but I couldn’t force them out. Not knowing if they would be okay. Although, he’d only asked me to help the woman. I didn’t know what to think.

  “Start talking,” I said.

  Colette got off the bed and scrambled into her clothes. Her cheeks turned pink as she glanced at me. She came closer and took Jacques’ hand.

  “A man invited us,” he said. “He promised there would be food and drinks. Said we were both welcome. We can leave. We won’t cause trouble.”

  “And this little display?” I asked, motioning to the bed. Her cheeks burned brighter, and she dropped her gaze. “Were you hoping to lure someone in and rob them?”

  She gasped, and Jacques shook his head. “Non. We would never do such a thing. I only hoped Colette could eat something we didn’t pull from a dumpster. Your party offered us something for now, but…”

  If they’d been living on the streets, it would explain the malnourished look. At least for the woman. The man might be thin, but he didn’t look like he’d missed as many meals. Had they only recently come together? Something felt off about the entire thing.

  “It still doesn’t explain the rest,” I said.

  “Beautiful, isn’t she?” Jacques asked. He put Colette’s hand in mine. “We always pay our way.”

  My stomach twisted at the implication. No fucking way. Nope. I wasn’t about to use this pretty woman just because they’d come here to eat something.

  “You’re selling her to me for a meal?” I felt her tremble and knew my words had upset her. I hated doing that to her, but I needed to be clear on what was happening. For one, if that’s what this motherfucker meant, I wanted to knock his teeth down his damn throat. I noticed he hadn’t offered up himself as payment. No way he’d missed the way I’d checked him out. How long had he been whoring her out for food and shelter?

  “Not selling her. Not exactly. You keep her for as long as you like, in exchange for a few sandwiches I can take on the road. Colette and I are parting ways.”

  I growled and advanced on him. Dropping her hand, I swung and hit the asshole right across his jaw. “You fucker! How dare you sell her!” I went to punch him again, but small hands grabbed at me. I looked down into Colette’s pleading eyes.

  “Don’t hurt him.”

  “You’re going to protect him after what he just said?” I asked.

  She flinched and glanced at him before looking at me once more. “I’m holding him back. He has a place to go, but he’s stayed because I would have slowed him down. I won’t be any trouble. I’ll do whatever you want. Anything!”

  I closed my eyes, not liking what she implied. I couldn’t toss her out. But the asshole who’d just bartered her for food was fair game. I didn’t know why she cared about him, but I’d give him a few sandwiches like he’d requested, and
send him on his way. Preferably with my boot print on his ass. Now I remembered why my cock hadn’t gotten wet in a while. Aside from the random drunk hookup with Aidan, but the last time had been several months ago. Men were assholes and women were bitches. Except possibly for the angel holding onto me. She seemed more like a victim in all this.

  “Fine. I’ll give him some sandwiches, but we have to go to my house. All three of us.”

  Colette relaxed. “Merci.”

  Now that word I knew. Even if I hadn’t, the look she cast me would have made it clear enough. I didn’t know why she was worried about the guy. He’d been an asshole to sell her out like that. He didn’t deserve her affection.

  “You’re welcome, angel. As for Jacques…” I eyed him. “Put your fucking clothes on and meet me out front.”

  I planned to find out more about this asshole before he left tonight. I wanted his full name. Where he’d come from. And anything else I could pry out of him. Then I’d do a thorough analysis of him and figure out what the fuck was going on. If he’d been using her, selling her, I’d put him in the ground. I didn’t care how pretty he looked. There were some lines no one should cross. That was one of them.

  I led Colette through the clubhouse and outside. I stopped next to my bike and got on, starting her up. Lifting my hand to Colette, I helped her onto the back. She put her arms around my waist, and I patted her hands.

  “I’ll go slow, but hold on tight.” She nodded against my back and pressed closer. And fuck if I didn’t enjoy it a little too much. My dick got painfully hard, and I shifted on the seat of my bike. Jacques came outside a moment later. I pointed in the direction of my house.

  “Walk down this road and around the corner. Just put gray siding on my damn house. You can’t miss it. You’ll see the bike under the carport. I’m afraid you’ll have to walk your ass there, unless you drove.” He nodded. “We’ll meet you there.”